Living in Dubai
16 July 2009 Living in Dubai is not wonderful and glamorous, as many would have you believe. Forget about what you’ve read, seen, …
Dubai to Shiraz 29 May 2008 We are safely in Shiraz, 700km from the port where we entered Iran. Everywhere we went, we were met …
Oman visits from Dubai
January 2008 It is very difficult to sum our Oman experiences up in a one-page document. Oman is just the opposite of the …
Woestyn Outing
Oktober 2007 Ons verbly in Dubai het ons die vooreg gegee om menigde kere die woestyn te besoek. Die woestyn is die één …
1 March 2005 Some dreams do come true! Praise God! Cape Town has got Table Mountain, Paris the Eiffel Tower and London the Big …